Thursday, January 3, 2013

Find n'th Highest value From Column in Sql Server

N'th Highest Value from column in sql server using subquery;

Suppose we have one table name  Employee  and its two column :Id, Salary

Now if  we want to find 5'th highest salary  of emploee then query is:

SELECT     TOP (1) Id
FROM         (SELECT     TOP (5) Salary
                       FROM          Employee 
                       ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS Salary


  1. SELECT MAX(Salary) as 'Salary' from EmployeeDetails
    where Salary NOT IN
    SELECT TOP 2 (SALARY) from EmployeeDetails ORDER BY Salary Desc

  2. SELECT Name, Salary from ( SELECT Name, Salary, DENSE_RANK() over (order by Salary desc) AS srno
    FROM tbl_ApplicationDetails) as Tbl

    where srno =2

    With This Query You Can Select Multiple Employee Whose Salary Is same .
    For Example Is There Are 4 Employee Whose Salary Is 35000 Then All three User Will
    Came out In OutPut

    Ok Bye

  3. In Above Example function Dense_rank() will create a srno order by salary. and if there is some one whose salary is same to another then it will give the same Srno to them. that's why we can see all that employee whose salary is same.

  4. SELECT Name, Salary from (SELECT NAme, salary, row_number() over (order by Salary desc) AS srno
    FROM tbl_ApplicationDetails) as tbl
    where srno =3

    in this query function row_number() will create a srno order by salary. difference with above query is that it will not return multiple user whose salary is same.

    but this function help Us if we want get some record with auto serial no.

  5. I Hope these Article help u .....
    if any type of query then ask....
    Bye Bye Have A Good Day .........
